Trader Joe’s Cuban Style Citrusy Garlic Seasoning Blend 2.25oz


  • Inspired by all the marvelous mojo-marinated meat we’ve enjoyed over the years, Trader Joe’s Cuban Style Citrusy Garlic Seasoning Blend is, as its name would suggest, traditionally tangy, good-n-garlicky, and downright delicious. We first saw these classic Cuban flavors in convenient seasoning form at a Miami minimarket, and we knew we had to make one of our own.
  • Trader Joe’s Cuban Style Citrusy Garlic Seasoning Blend is essentially a blend of garlic, lime oil, lime juice, onion powder, salt, and red pepper—plus bay leaves, coriander, cumin, cilantro, black pepper, oregano, cilantro, basil, lemon oil, marjoram, and parsley to round it out. It’s all the essential flavors you’d find in common Cuban cuisine, packaged in one little 2.25-ounce, kosher-certified jar.
  • Rub onto poultry, meat, or fish; sprinkle on veggies or tofu; add it to beans, rice, or try your hand at a tangy twist to a roast pork tenderloin.
  • Inspired by all the marvelous mojo-marinated meat we’ve enjoyed over the years, Trader Joe’s Cuban Style Citrusy Garlic Seasoning Blend is, as its name would suggest, traditionally tangy, good-n-garlicky, and downright delicious. We first saw these classic Cuban flavors in convenient seasoning form at a Miami minimarket, and we knew we had to make one of our own.
  • Trader Joe’s Cuban Style Citrusy Garlic Seasoning Blend is essentially a blend of garlic, lime oil, lime juice, onion powder, salt, and red pepper—plus bay leaves, coriander, cumin, cilantro, black pepper, oregano, cilantro, basil, lemon oil, marjoram, and parsley to round it out. It’s all the essential flavors you’d find in common Cuban cuisine, packaged in one little 2.25-ounce, kosher-certified jar.
  • Rub onto poultry, meat, or fish; sprinkle on veggies or tofu; add it to beans, rice, or try your hand at a tangy twist to a roast pork tenderloin.


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